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Continue the fight for civil, political and environmental rights | Oct 23 2015 | Maya Bhullar | Read this partial list of campaigns launched during the election and get involved. Now.
It's Election Day! Here are 20 things to think about | Oct 19 2015 | rabble staff | As you prepare to go to the polls, maybe you want to be reminded of the other parts of the campaign? They seem so long ago, but has got you covered here.
Image: Council of Canadians
Young people: Vote like a geezer and change Canada's future | Oct 19 2015 | Armine Yalnizyan | An eleventh-hour message to voters aged 18–30: in this election, you've got the power.
Brigette DePape
Go vote | Oct 19 2015 | Brent Patterson | The 2011 election's low voter turnout only benefited the Conservatives. Let's ensure those numbers are much higher this election.
Citizens > Consumers | Oct 17 2015 | Scott Vrooman | Elections are a great reminder that we're citizens first.