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Best wishes and speedy recovery to Penni Richmond and John Baglow

Best wishes and speedy recovery to Penni Richmond and John Baglow



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I have to post this. I really have no choice. Like the coward that I sometimes am, I've been waiting for someone else. But now we really all have to pitch in and send our love and best wishes to rabble contributor and babbler John Baglow (Dr. Dawg), former vice-president of PSAC, his partner Penni Richmond (former CLC national director of women's and human rights), and John's step-son.

Triple stabbing

If anyone knows how Penni is doing, please give news.

Dear Dawg

Terrible news. Thank you Unionist.

Oh dear, this is horrible. I'm quite sorry to hear this and I hope for the best moving forward.

Best wishes for them both...and also, may someone please come up with some sort of effective therapeutic process to treat people like the stepson.  Obviously, if things like this keep happening, there is a lot of work that needs to be done.

What a horrible story. I do hope they recover from their injuries - and I hope the stepson can get effective treatment for whatever is going on in his head.

Many thanks for this, Unionist.

Penni and I are very much on the mend. Things will take a little longer for my stepson, unfortunately. I hope he will be getting the help he needs.

And thanks to others here for your good wishes! They are much appreciated.

Just saw this - what an awful ordeal. So glad you are recovering! 

Good to hear you are both on the mend. i hope your stepson also recovers fully.

Tragedy averted, and everything else is details.  Best wishes!

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