David Macdonald

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David Macdonald is a Senior Economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. He heads the Centre's Alternative Federal Budget project that takes a fresh look at how the federal government could build a better Canada. David is a frequent media commentator on national public policy issues.
Photo: KMR Photography/flickr
| September 27, 2016
Photo: KMR Photography/flickr
| September 1, 2016
Photo: Kevin Conor Keller/flickr
| July 21, 2016
Photo: Marcy Leigh/flickr
| March 23, 2016
| March 22, 2016
Image: CCPA
| March 14, 2016
Photo: Twitter
| November 20, 2015

Ten progressive items Trudeau can deliver in his first 100 days

Photo: flickr/ Paul Gorbould
Transition periods are a whirlwind of activity for any new government. That's why it's important to stay focused on the progressive policies that can be implemented rapidly.

Related rabble.ca story:

Image: Flickr/William Pitcher
| October 28, 2015
Photo: Asif A. Ali/flickr
| October 14, 2015
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