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Image: Facebook/Elizabeth May
| December 8, 2016
Image: Flickr/Canada 2020
| December 7, 2016
| December 5, 2016
Image: Flickr/Photo
| November 28, 2016

Green Party of Canada votes overwhelmingly in support of BDS

August 31, 2016
| Dimitri Lascaris is Justice Critic in the Green Party’s Shadow Cabinet. He submitted the motion on boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israel that won the support of Green Party members.
Length: 12:27 minutes (11.41 MB)
Elizabeth May
| August 31, 2016
| August 26, 2016
Green Majority Radio

Political hot potato

August 22, 2016
| This week's episode includes the move from ocean oil drilling to ocean strip mines, the connection between art and environment and the TPP, Hillary Clinton and privatization.
Length: 55:01 minutes (50.38 MB)

Elizabeth May: Greens should not identify with a movement 'out of our control'

Photo: David Kattenburg

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Last weekend, delegates at the Green Party of Canada national convention in Ottawa adopted a policy resolution supporting the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.



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| August 12, 2016
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