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| February 10, 2017
rabble radio special

Legal groups respond to Trump's 'Muslim ban' and Islamophobia in Canada

January 31, 2017
| Listen in to a press conference by the B.C. Civil Liberties Association featuring legal groups that launched the Islamophobia Legal Assistance Hotline.
Length: 25:20 minutes (25.14 MB)
Image: Flickr/Michael Vadon
| January 30, 2017
Image: YouTube
| August 3, 2016

Muhammad Ali leaves behind response to Islamaphobia in his funeral

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One great thing about Muhammad Ali's funeral a week ago is that it responded to the hateful Trumpian garbage that got spewed after the Orlando slaughter and did so pre-emptively, mere days before. It answered in advance, as if Ali hadn't just planned his own memorial but foreseen the need for it.


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Private company sells access to intelligence database

March 5, 2016
| World Check says it provides intelligence profiles of risky individuals so banks and other groups can be sure they are not accidentally engaged in illegal acts. Monia Mazigh says it's a blacklist.
Length: 13:46 minutes (12.62 MB)

War on terror and the growth of ISIS

December 13, 2015
| In the wake of the attacks in Paris last month, the French government vowed to escalate surveillance of Muslims. Paul Gottinger says we need to move beyond what he calls the hysteria of vengeance.
Length: 13:47 minutes (12.63 MB)
| November 30, 2015
Image: YouTube
| November 23, 2015

Plans for the arrival of 25,000 Syrian refugees

November 22, 2015
| Justin Trudeau has called on Canadians to reject racism and to welcome Syrians fleeing conflict. We speak with Janet Dench of the Canadian Council for Refugees about how people will be resettled.
Length: 16:52 minutes (15.45 MB)
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