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| October 14, 2016
Brad Wall
| June 15, 2016
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Image: Flickr/Dave Cournoyer
| April 14, 2016
Thomas Mulcair
| April 11, 2016
| March 1, 2016
| February 25, 2016

Take the Leap on February 29: A Google Hangout with Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, and more

No more small steps for the climate and economic justice movement: now is the time to leap. A conversation with Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis (This Changes Everything), Bill McKibben ( and Asad Rehman (Friend of the Earth UK) and special guests.

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Find out how you can take the Leap this February 29! 


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Climate justice activists make 2016 the year of action

Photo: Leap Manifesto website

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In a public Google hangout, climate justice activists Naomi Klein, Avi Lewis, Bianca Mugyenyi (This Changes Everything), Bill McKibben ( and Asad Rehman (Friends of the Earth UK) partnered to talk about the Leap Manifesto and its global call to climate and economic justice in 2016.



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