Nathan CullenSyndicate content

Elizabeth May
| February 2, 2017
Nathan Cullen speaks to students at McGill University. Flickr/davehuehn
| November 18, 2016

The electoral reform committee wants to hear from you! Kind of...

Photo: flickr/

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The House of Commons Special Committee on Electoral Reform (ERRE) wants to hear from you! Well, sort of.

The all-party committee has decided against allotting time to address questions from Twitter users -- a motion introduced by both committee members NDP MP Nathan Cullen and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May.



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Democratic reform Justin? Democracy, anyone?

Photo: flickr/Onasill ~ Bill Badzo

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By confessing his government was starting to look like its predecessor, Justin Trudeau did a clever step down from his party position on democratic reform.


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Thomas Mulcair will be stepping down as leader. What next?

Image: Twitter/Joshua Bernson

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From all accounts, it was an interesting Federal NDP convention.  There will be conversations about the LEAP Manifesto in ridings across the country -- so stay tuned to the LEAP Manifesto webpage for more details about local discussions and events.


Nathan Cullen
| July 27, 2015
| July 25, 2015
| July 24, 2015
Rachel Notley, David Eggen & Rod Loyola
| October 5, 2014

Peter MacKay gets called out in Parliament

Wednesday in the House, Defence Minister MacKay got called out by the NDP's Nathan Cullen.

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