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Questions surround timing of terrorism charges in Waterloo case

Photo: waferboard/flickr

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What the court decision on the niqab ban was really about

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Voter turnout during the last federal election is estimated to be 68.5 per cent, the highest voter turnout since 1993. Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party campaigned on a platform of promising real change, which resonated with voters, giving the Liberals a clear majority of seats in the House of Commons and 39.5 per cent of the popular vote. Canadians showed that they wanted to uphold and participate in the democratic system. 


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| June 2, 2015

Lawbreaking protesters outmatched by institutional lawlessness

Photo: Sarah Mirk/flickr

Barack Obama looked at his most clueless, responding to the riots and rage in Ferguson, Missouri. He hasn't seemed so callow since the BP oil spill. Like he just wished it was over and could get on to the delights of his post-presidency. Or back to immigration reform and stalling that damn pipeline.

Using his slow voice, as if he's explaining something so basic that it's hard to understand, he declared that the U.S. is a "nation built on the rule of law" and added next day, he has "no sympathy" for those who go violent. The problem with this, at least for those in the streets, is the U.S. is not a nation of laws and resorts to official violence and/or illegality routinely.


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Omar Khadr one step closer to justice

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Africafiles: The Pulse

Strengthening the rule of law in Zimbabwe

April 2, 2014
| Human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa has spent her career fighting for a strong rule of law in Zimbabwe despite facing harassment and arrest.
Length: 16:24 minutes (11.26 MB)

B.C. teachers' right to strike: Bill 22 violates rights of workers and rule of law

The B.C. Liberal government is poised, once again, to violate the legal rights of workers, this time with Bill 22, which, if it becomes law, will prohibit teachers from striking and limit their collective bargaining rights.

In 2007, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the government had violated the Canadian Charter by imposing legislative restrictions on the rights of health workers to bargain collectively. In April 2011, the British Columbia Supreme Court followed that decision to rule that legislation concerning teachers was unconstitutional, and thereby invalid, because it prohibited bargaining on class size, class composition and the ratios of teachers to students.



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I Read The News Today, Oh Boy!

Death throes of democracy: On elections and the rule of law

May 12, 2011
| The elections are a great reminder that Canada has a serious democratic deficit and the killing of Bin Laden raises questions about democracy and the rule of law.
Length: 36:11

Bills C-36 and C-510: Rule of law over in Canada

With the passing of Bills C-36 and C-510, rule of law will be effectively over in Canada. 


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