If you are searching for significant anniversaries for 2015 one that you might find illuminating is the publication of a book published 40 years ago entitled The Crisis of Democracy. The title would seem fitting today but that's not the crisis its authors had in mind. It was commissioned by a new international boys' club of finance capitalists, CEOs, senior political figures (retired and active) and academics from Europe, North America and Japan.
What has Canada become under the Harper government?
Harperism has been sweeping Canada! You know that blend of neoliberal politics, mixed with swift denial and blatant lies. How did we get here, and more importantly, will we ever get out?
Related rabble.ca story:
Harper's Canada: What have we become?
Harperism: How Stephen Harper and his think tank colleagues have transformed Canada
Does it ever feel like you've just woken up and found yourself living in a country you don't recognize? How did Canada get to where it is today -- a more militaristic, nationalistic, free-market-at-all-costs place that seems to have shed its world-renowned reputation as a land of peacekeepers, multiculturalism, social responsibility and scientific advancement?
It hasn't been by accident. In fact, as Donald Gutstein points out in the opening phrase of his book, Harperism: How Stephen Harper and his Think Tank Colleagues Have Transformed Canada, this is exactly what Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised he'd do.
And he did it with a little bit of help from his friends.
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