pitch an idea

How to pitch to rabble.ca

rabble.ca is Canada's largest progressive news website. We aim to represent the diversity of views and actions taken by progressive activists across Canada. We cover politics, political action, equality rights, labour activism, solidarity movements, and social change from the perspective of the people who are making change across our country.

Please send your pitches to editor[at]rabble.ca. Pitches should not exceed 200 words. Our editors go through the pitches each weekday, and you can expect a reply within a week (although we strive to reply within a few days).

For information about rabble.ca's payment structure, please contact editor[at]rabble.ca. In short, rabble.ca pays $0.10 per word up to $100 for commissioned pieces. rabble.ca does not pay for op-eds, pieces that come to us fully written, or pieces that have been published elsewhere.

All writers are welcome at rabble. rabble works with both new and experienced writers. Our editorial team will be happy to work with you.

If your pitch is accepted, you can find guidelines for rabble.ca writing here, and our journalistic policy here.

Please review our guidelines for pitching news stories, long-form pieces and opinion pieces below.

News writing:

We ask that news and feature pieces be 800 words or shorter. If a news story is too complex for that length, please consider whether it could be presented as two pieces or a series of pieces with sharper focus.

To be easily read, online writing requires shorter sentences and a shorter length overall. The 800-word length of our stories makes the finished piece more readable online, and also allows rabble.ca to present more articles, which together create a cohesive and nuanced view that incorporates a number of voices on any particular issue.

What is rabble.ca looking for in a pitch for a news story?

1. Focus: Tell us what your story is in 200 words or less.

2. Relevance: Why does rabble.ca need to tell your story now? If your story focuses on an issue rather than an event, what is the element that makes it important for rabble.ca visitors to learn about this story? Sometimes, activism takes a long time and the same issue is covered again and again -- rabble.ca is OK with this. Let us know why you're writing the evolution of this particular story.

3. Pace: If you are writing about a particular action, tell us when it is. If you are pitching a preview piece, we would like to receive it several days before the event so that we can edit and request changes if they are needed, and still publish before the event itself. If your pitch is selected, your editor will discuss delivery timelines with you.

4. Your history: Are you a long-time activist on a particular issue? Do you have lived experience connecting you to the topic you want to write about? Are you a general reporter who's investigating a brand-new story? Tell us who you are and why you're the one to write this feature for rabble.ca.

Long-form pieces:

Occasionally rabble.ca presents long-form writing of 2,000-2,500 words at the discretion of the editor. If you feel your piece should only be published in long form, please discuss it with your editor.

What is rabble.ca looking for in a pitch for a long-form story?

1. Focus: What is the story in 200 words or less.

2. Deeper information: What will the length of your story allow you to do that you're not able to do with a shorter piece.

3. Your history: What makes you the best person to write this story? Are you a long-time activist on a particular issue? Do you have lived experience connecting you to the topic you want to write about? Are you a general reporter who's investigating a brand-new story? Tell us who you are and why you're the one to write this feature for rabble.ca.

Opinion pieces

rabble.ca welcomes submissions for our op-ed blog The Views Expressed. Opinion pieces should be no longer than 800 words. Op-eds can be pitched, solicited, or complete versions can be sent to us.

What is rabble.ca looking for in a pitch for an opinion piece?

Focus: What is the opinion you're writing about in 200 words or less?

Relevance: What has sparked your interest in this topic and why is it of interest to rabble.ca readers right now?

Your history: What makes you the best person to write this story? Are you a long-time activist on a particular issue? Do you have lived experience connecting you to the topic you want to write about? Are you a general reporter who's investigating a brand-new story? Tell us who you are and why you're the one to write this feature for rabble.ca.

Please send your pitches to editor[at]rabble.ca.

Suggesting reprints:

If you see something you think would fit well on rabble.ca, please write to editor[at]rabble.ca and tell us. We publish articles from other publications when we have their permission and the author's permission. All reprints are negotiated with the rights of the authors in mind. Due to copyright, we do not generally include illustrations or photos in reprints.



We welcome your comments! rabble.ca embraces a pro-human rights, pro-feminist, anti-racist, queer-positive, anti-imperialist and pro-labour stance, and encourages discussions which develop progressive thought. Our full comment policy can be found here. Learn more about Disqus on rabble.ca and your privacy here. Please keep in mind:


  • Tell the truth and avoid rumours.
  • Add context and background.
  • Report typos and logical fallacies.
  • Be respectful.
  • Respect copyright - link to articles.
  • Stay focused. Bring in-depth commentary to our discussion forum, babble.


  • Use oppressive/offensive language.
  • Libel or defame.
  • Bully or troll.
  • Post spam.
  • Engage trolls. Flag suspect activity instead.