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| February 9, 2017
Photo: Martha Plaine
| January 24, 2017

The hormone replacement scam

December 13, 2016
| Two American women's health experts have another perspective on the claims that big pharma makes about hormone replacement therapy.
Length: 29:06 minutes (39.97 MB)
Mary Poppins and friends
| November 28, 2016
| November 12, 2016

Fossil capitalism has created a new geological era called the Anthropocene

Photo: Tim J Keegan/flickr
Geologists say that humanity's impact on the Earth has been so profound that it's ushered in a whole new, deeply unstable, geological era, which they are calling the Anthropocene.

Related story:


Scientists declare new geological epoch, the Anthropocene

September 26, 2016
| Geologists say that humanity's impact on the Earth has been so profound that it's ushered in a whole new, deeply unstable, geological era, which they are calling the Anthropocene.
Length: 22:02 minutes (20.18 MB)

Feminism has been taken over by capitalism, and it ain't pretty

We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl®, the Buying and Selling of a Political Movement

by Andi Zeisler

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The world of feminism nowadays is... saturated.

Women are leaning in, #girlbosses are getting that money, period-friendly underwear is readily available, #GirlsCan empower themselves with bombshell lipstick and oh so much more.

But, is this feminism?



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Green Majority Radio

The limits of capitalism

May 9, 2016
| Discussing capitalism, and the idea that our system seems to be based on a faulty belief that we have infinite resources.
Length: 53:09 minutes (72.82 MB)
Image: Flickr/Jeremy hunsinger
| April 29, 2016
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