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Image: Twitter/@RealDonaldTrump
| February 10, 2017
Donald Trump
| November 17, 2016
Muharram in cities and villages of Iran
| October 14, 2016

Homa Hoodfar free but others remain in prison

Dr. Homa Hoodfar is a renowned feminist anthropologist who teaches at Concordia University professor. She was in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison from June 6, 2016 to September 26, 2016. 


| July 31, 2016
Asia Pacific Currents

Iranian workers take up fight against the government of Iran

July 1, 2016
| Updates of labour struggles in the Asia-Pacific region and the repression that Iranian workers face inside Iran.
Length: 28:58 minutes (13.26 MB)
| March 26, 2016

Iran and Saudi Arabia move towards direct confrontation

January 13, 2016
| Saudi Arabia executed prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr on January 2. Two days later, it broke off ties with Iran after its embassy in Tehran was attacked by protesters.
Length: 14:30 minutes (13.29 MB)
| January 11, 2016
Sheik Nimr al-Nimr was executed New Years Day along with 46 others by Saudi Arab
| January 5, 2016
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