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Image: Twitter/@IvankaTrump
| February 16, 2017
Ed Stelmach
| December 21, 2016
| December 2, 2016

Failure of democracy has many root causes

Image: Prachatai/flickr

The failure of democracy? An academic study published last summer, which is rather suddenly being hailed in places like the New York Times, claims "an entire global generation has lost faith in democracy." Citizens "have grown jaded." This applies to youth especially, who call elections "unimportant" and say "a democratic political system" is a "bad" way to run things.

But is it really so? Young Americans who enthused over Bernie Sanders in the primaries, skipped the election because it wasn't democratic enough. People in Greece, Spain or Italy, left old parties and built new ones for similar reasons.


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To trump Trump, the Democrats need a new game plan

Photo: Lorie Shaull/flickr

Donald Trump represents such a threat to what reasonable people hold dear, it's hard not to get unhinged just thinking about his presidency. For a start, his election sets back world efforts to address climate change for four years minimum.

Women who fought for reproductive rights fear his power to nominate anti-choice Supreme Court justices. The LGBTQ community feel the beginnings of renewed persecution. Undocumented workers and their families now live in terror of discovery and deportation.

Seldom if ever has an American presidential candidate been as ill prepared for office or carried on in such a personally offensive manner as Donald Trump. Calling him out for his xenophobia, sexism, bigotry and Mussolini potential is not good enough, however.


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Image: Wikimedia Commons
| November 16, 2016
Flickr/Tony Webster
| November 15, 2016
Hillary Clinton
| November 14, 2016
Neal Hancock
| November 13, 2016
Placard says Nope to Donald Trump
| November 12, 2016
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