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Petition in support of Bill C-279 (aka Gender Identity Bill)

Joined: Jan 3 2004


Joined: Jan 3 2004

The Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto is just now launching an online petition to the Senate of Canada to pass Bill C-279 without amendments. Bill C-279 is NDP Randall Garrison's bill that passed the House of Commons and is now in the Senate.

Currently a live broadcast of the launch here:  Various community leaders such as the Reverend Brent Hawkes and ONDP MPP Cheri DiNovo are present.

Joined: Feb 15 2012

 I wish Randall good luck.

Joined: May 31 2009

My biggest concern is that while in Ontario, trans people can change their Ontario birth certificate without surgery. It is still impossible for those who are not born in Ontario , to change the gener marker in their passport or citizenship card without surgery.

Joined: Aug 18 2001

takeitslowly wrote:

My biggest concern is that while in Ontario, trans people can change their Ontario birth certificate without surgery. It is still impossible for those who are not born in Ontario , to change the gener marker in their passport or citizenship card without surgery.

That latter point isn't strictly correct.  It is possible to obtain what's effectively a temporary Canadian passport (good for two years) pre-surgery.  Having said that the process for obtaining a temporary passport (i.e., one that's good for two years) isn't straightforward and, in order to get a permanent passport (i.e., a "normal" one) with the new gender, the individual must have completed gender reassignment surgery (which not all people want to do).

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