Hello There Rabble Folk!
Hi everyone.
I've been touring this site and reading the articles for some time now, and decided to sign up and start chatting on the Babble forums when my professors in University reccomended it to further our studies.
I'm in my first year of Social Work to obtain my bachelor's degree, and enjoy learning about new developments in mental health, modern socialist views, and regional/Canadian politics.
I hold many views on various issues in Canada, and would like to start actively working on fixing them for a better future Canada rather than just reading about them...
I'm greatly looking forward to chatting and debating with you all!
Welcome to Babble, IF! By the by, what does the F stand for?
Her name is Intellectual Fighter.86.
Yup, that's my name lol...I am HORRIBLE at thinking up new usernames so I have no idea where I thought that one up hahaha
Welcome to Babble, IF.86. Looking forwards to reading your contributions on the forums.
Thank you Left Turn!
Divine inspiration? Sounds like a great handle to me. I prefer waging war with ideas rather than physical combat. I share most of your interests, sans anime (doesn't interest me).
I'm not a social worker but de temps en temps I do advocacy (pro bono) for people trying to get what they need from the bureaucracy, whether it's Ontario Works or a fossilized school board ignoring the needs of a kid with autism. The social workers I know are pretty overwhelmed with caseloads so onerous they feel they can't do justice to the people depending on them. You're a brave soul to be heading in that directions, but the field needs people like you. When I'm helping somebody I can give it a lot of time because I don't have other people waiting for me to get to them. I just have my real job, LOL, which does tend to interfere with life....
Looking forward to your contributions.
Just a second ... University Professors are actually recommending engagement on Babble Forums to their students? (Ref: Message 0, Current Thread; 12/10/2014)
Should we be pleased / proud? (Or horrified at the state of modern education?)
Most importantly, will Mods now ask us to start citing sources, using quotation marks? So where's the friggin footnote function on this message board, anyhow?