Victoria Fenner

Victoria FennerSyndicate content

Victoria Fenner is executive producer of the rabble podcast network (rpn). She brings over 30 years experience in community radio, technical and production experience at the CBC, audio artistry, and podcast production to Victoria has worked in all sectors of the audio production industry, including at community radio stations in the United States and Canada, where she managed the McMaster campus station. She was also president of the Community Radio Fund in 2009, working closely with NCRA. She has worked extensively with the rpn in the past, producing documentaries for Earth Chronicle productions which was one of the first environmental podcasts, and House of Sound and Story, an audio art podcast. She also runs the New Media Learning Studio, which offers podcast training.
rabble radio special

Legal groups respond to Trump's 'Muslim ban' and Islamophobia in Canada

January 31, 2017
| Listen in to a press conference by the B.C. Civil Liberties Association featuring legal groups that launched the Islamophobia Legal Assistance Hotline.
Length: 25:20 minutes (25.14 MB)
rabble radio

The sound of resistance: Three women's marches

January 26, 2017
| Voices from a trio of women's marches on January 21, 2017, starting in Washington, and then moving up to Vancouver and Toronto.
Length: 28:05 minutes (28.15 MB)

People Powered: The Activists Behind Vancouver’s Climate Justice Movement

January 12, 2017
| Rebecca Visser looks at what drives Vancouver-based activists in their fight for climate justice. Produced as part of the "Making Time for Radio" project of Simon Fraser's CJSF Radio.
Length: 19:21 minutes (35.46 MB)
Needs No Introduction

An evening with George Elliott Clarke

January 4, 2017
| Canada's seventh poet laureate talks about being Africanadian, and his most recent book "The Motorcyclist."
Length: 53:11 minutes (97.39 MB)
rabble radio

The year in your ear

December 22, 2016
| World Social Forum, a steampunk mystery and getting in a good headspace for the new year. Some highlights from the rabble podcast network in 2016.
Length: 27:23 minutes (50.14 MB)

The year in your ear: Instant replays from the rabble podcast network

Photo: Kim Jones/flickr

And what a year it was. Coming off of the maddening, disappointing and very scary U.S. election, it's too easy to look back and wish that we could have just fast-forwarded from December 31, 2015 right to January 1, 2017. 

But that's not the whole story. In many ways it was also a really good year. Admittedly, we have to work a little harder to lift our spirits in this holiday season than in other years. But we know that rabble listeners and readers know that these things happen in cycles. Better days are ahead. 

There's lots of work for us to do in the New Year to help restore this planet to health and happiness. But for now, take a break and have a listen to some of our faves.



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Needs No Introduction

Protecting the right to protest: Free speech versus corporate power

December 15, 2016
| Slap suits are a common tactic which corporations use to shut down criticism. Four speakers talk about how to slap down slap suits at Media Democracy Days 2016.
Length: 1:03:08 minutes (83.15 MB)
Needs No Introduction

Ryan McMahon: Red Man Laughing

December 9, 2016
| Indigenous comedian and storyteller Ryan McMahon delivered this year's Media Democracy Days 2016 keynote address.
Length: 59:02 minutes (77.73 MB)
rabble radio

Decolonizing the Media: Media Democracy Days 2016

November 30, 2016
| Excerpts from two presentations -- Ryan McMahon, Indigenous storyteller and podcast host; and Indigenous Anti-Oppression Activist Tami Starlight.
Length: 31:48 minutes (41.88 MB)
Needs No Introduction

The Israeli occupation of Palestine: Two perspectives

November 24, 2016
| Two talks about Israel and Palestine: Dr. Philip Leech-Ngo of University of Ottawa; and Greg Albo of York University.
Length: 56:13 minutes (51.48 MB)
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