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Image: @realDonaldTrump/Twitter
| February 15, 2017

Canadians continue to fight for the right to vote

Photo: flickr/ Renegade98
The Council of Canadians and the Canadian Federation of Students have gone to court seeking to overturn parts of the Fair Elections Act.

Related story:

Photo: Sameer Vasta/flickr
| February 23, 2015
Image: Flickr/
| October 9, 2014
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| May 23, 2014

Let's still try to stop the UnFair Elections Act

While campaigning has made a difference, there are still many problems with the amended bill that is now making its way through the Senate. Our work is not yet done.

Related story:

| May 16, 2014

Infographic: How to fight the 'Fair' Elections Act

Tomorrow, Saturday April 26, is a Day of action against the 'Fair' Elections Act. So, illustrator Marc Keelan-Bishop has created a handy infographic to tell you how you can fight it. Not sure if you want to? Read rabble's UnFair Elections Act coverage here.

Watch for more infographics from Marc on the site in the future. Until then, get involved in protecting voter rights. Here's a graphic illustrating just how to do it.

Illustration by Marc Keelan-Bishop



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| April 11, 2014
April 7, 2014 |
As a result of the Unfair Elections Act, Elections Canada's report on the widespread deceptive phone calls in 2011 might not be released until after the 2015 election, if ever.
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