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Revolutionary program empowers girls with media literacy and activism skills

Photo: Access to Media Education Society (AMES)

In this social media age where the youth demographic is expected to be proficient in all media platforms and propel this technological evolution at an unprecedented rate, it truly matters who continues to take up space and whose voices are at the table.

If young people, particularly marginalized and underrepresented voices, "don't have the skills to use online, they don't have a voice in society," said Megan Ryland, program coordinator of #HerDigitalVisions, a project of B.C.-based organization Access to Media Education Society (AMES).



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Halifax member of Parliament, Megan Leslie
| June 26, 2015

Rally for Sanity: Does comedy connect with political action?

Does political satire and parody engage people in political debate and action, or does it make people more apathetic or even cynical. To answer this question, We look at the Rally for Sanity (and/or Fear) hosted by comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and we talk to their fans.

For me, this video just raises more questions, four to start:

1. how do typical political rallies and causes exclude vast numbers of people who sometimes want to get more active in the political process?

2. should Stewart & Colbert ask their audiences to be more supportive of alternative media or particular citizen movements? why?


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| April 16, 2012

Media Literacy Week 2011: Digital Citizenship Workshop for Adults

Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - 5:00pm - 7:30pm


NFB Mediatheque
150 John St
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-973-3012
43° 38' 56.994" N, 79° 23' 27.3876" W

This workshop will be based on the theme of Truth in Journalism and on our new Digital Footprints workshop. Attendees will create stories online, engage in discussion, and watch NFB films. Registration required in advance. To register, call the above number.

Tools for change workshop series

Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 10:00am - Sunday, May 30, 2010 - 5:00pm


U of T Campus (Exact location TBA)
27 King's College Circle
43° 39' 40.2156" N, 79° 23' 45.4776" W

Tools for Change Workshop Series: Spring 2010

Securing Favorable Media Coverage with Rafeef Ziadah and Justin Podur
Saturday April 24th: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (downtown location tba)

Campaigns interact, influence, and are influenced by the media. This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to learn how to develop a media strategy, write compelling press releases, give great interviews, and develop frames and messages that are in line with their goals.

Additional Workshops include:

1. Facilitation (101 and 201) - Friday May 7th: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. (downtown location tba)

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