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Canada is wasting billions of dollars a year on prescription drugs

January 16, 2017
| A national pharmacare program would save the health-care system billions and improve the health of the one in 10 Canadians who can't afford the medication they are prescribed.
Length: 12:24 minutes (11.37 MB)
| October 19, 2016
Image: Twitter/Canada 2020
| September 30, 2016
Justin Trudeau
| June 13, 2016
Image: Flickr/Konstantin Lazorkin
| May 30, 2016
| May 13, 2016
| April 27, 2016
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| April 15, 2016
February 19, 2016 |
Seniors, advocacy groups, labour unions and health coalitions have been organizing against the government of Nova Scotia's proposed changes to its Seniors' Pharmacare Program. Looks like it worked.
February 16, 2016 |
Pharmaceutical sales representatives are the direct contact between pharmaceutical companies and those who have the power to write prescriptions: doctors.
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