public educationSyndicate content

Michael Janz
| February 8, 2017

Christy Clark government wastes budget surplus on debt repayment

December 19, 2016
| British Columbians are in desperate need of affordable housing, higher social assistance rates and public school funding. Instead the government is spending a budget windfall on paying down the debt.
Length: 13:31 minutes (12.38 MB)
| November 12, 2016

Patti Bacchus on the firing of the Vancouver School Board

November 8, 2016
| Patti Bacchus had been a Vancouver School Trustee for eight years when B.C.’s Education Minister fired her and the rest of the Board on October 17. Patti Bacchus tells the story of what happened.
Length: 16:11 minutes (14.83 MB)
Talking Radical Radio

Defending public education in Canada and throughout the Americas

September 14, 2016
| Steve Stewart talks about the work of the Initiative for Democratic Education in the Americas.
Length: 28:39 minutes (26.24 MB)
July 27, 2016 |
The Turkish government's repression after a failed coup attempt has received near universal condemnation from international organizations, unions, and civil society groups including the ETFO.
| July 1, 2016
June 24, 2016 |
Teachers are very concerned about the Ontario government's proposals that could allow agencies funded by corporate interests involved in the development of curriculum in the province's public schools.
June 14, 2016 |
A new study from the CCPA deems the P3 schools program in Nova Scotia to be a failure of cost, risk management and evidence-based decision-making.
May 3, 2016 |
Education Week was established by the OSSTF in 1930 to recognize and celebrate the essential role public education plays in the lives of communities all over the province.
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