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Populism and faux feminism: Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

Justin Trudeau is worried about extremism entering Canada through the electoral system.

If like Canada, France had a first-past-the-post electoral system, Marine Le Pen of the extreme-right National Front would be well placed to be the next president of France. She has led the polls for months.

Instead, because France has two rounds of voting, with the second round limited to the top two finishers in the first round, Le Pen has next to no chance of winning (regardless if she finishes first or second in the first round).


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Photo: Patrick/flickr
| January 5, 2017
Photo: Prime Minister of Canada/flickr
| December 8, 2015
Photo: Michael Coghlan/flickr
| November 3, 2015
Photo: Policy Note blog
| October 13, 2015
Photo: a.pasquier/flickr
| September 30, 2015

Quality public child care: An economic no-brainer

Photo: Molly/flickr

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Can the NDP and Liberals differentiate themselves enough to beat Harper?

Photo: Peter Blanchard/flickr

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The NDP's Olivia Chow took the plunge in a particularly irritating way this week when she announced she's running against Liberal MP Adam Vaughn in a downtown Toronto riding. It felt like a bad omen for an election that hasn't even begun and will drone on for over twice as long as usual.


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July 27, 2015 |
The Conservative government began mailing out cheques for the expanded Universal Child Care Benefit. The cheques have little to do with child care. Here's why.
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