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Adam Sneyd on 'Cotton,' globalization, commodities and clothing poverty

February 8, 2017
| Adam talks about his book Cotton, its empire, commodities and politics, "clothing poverty" and anti-globalization and why we need to be concerned about how the world works.
Length: 44:52 minutes (30.82 MB)

The World Social Forum: Building alternative forms of globalization

Photo: Amine Ghrabi/flickr

The greatest progressive innovation of our century -- to this point -- has been the World Social Forum (WSF). In the book Another World is Possible: popular alternatives to globalization at the World Social Forum, William Fisher and I first contended that the World Social Forum represented the beginning of building a new left and a new global civilization, grounded by a desire for participatory, radical democracy.


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Needs No Introduction

Linda McQuaig: Celebrating Indie Media and Activism

September 4, 2014
| Linda McQuaig spoke to guests at's event Celebrating Indie Media and Activism at the Peoples' Social Forum in Ottawa on August 21, 2014.
Length: 17:37 minutes (31.61 MB)
Needs No Introduction

Naomi Klein speaks to the Peoples' Social Forum

September 2, 2014
| Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, author and one of the most influential voices on our political and cultural environment. She spoke to the Peoples' Social Forum August 21, 2014 in Ottawa.
Length: 1:00:11 minutes (107.95 MB)
Needs No Introduction

Earth Democracy: Part 2 of a lecture by Dr. Vandana Shiva

June 12, 2014
| Dr. Shiva is a globally influential voice on the topic of food security. This is the conclusion of a talk she gave in Winnipeg in March 2014.
Length: 28:05 minutes (19.29 MB)

Intercontinental Day of Action Against Corporate Globalization

Free trade and globalization have long been touted by academics and politicians as the answer to the problems of the modern world. But activists have seen first-hand the devestation that corporate globalization can cause.

It’s important to recognize the devastating effects of corporate globalization on local workers and communities. When companies close down Canadian plants in favour of finding cheaper labour elsewhere, what happens to cities like Leamington and London, ON?


Harsha Walia's 'Undoing Border Imperialism' highlights the anti-oppression movement

Photo: flickr/Tania Liu
'Undoing Border Imperialism' is a hybrid of a textbook and handbook by activist Harsha Walia on the theories and practices related to migrant justice and immigration.

Related story:


Slavoj Žižek on global protest

Slavoj Žižek. Photo: Simon Plestenjak/flickr

How do we explain the wave of rebellion occurring around the world since the financial crisis of 2008? In his typically brilliant recent article "Trouble in Paradise" (London Review of Books, July 18, 2013), the social theorist Slavoj Žižek notes that analysis of the demonstrations occurring around the globe face both an epistemological and an ontological dilemma. First, it is not obvious how to interpret the mobilizations. Second, and the second leads to the first, the marchers themselves are not entirely clear on what unifies them.


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Questioning the obligation to pay back debt

Pile of debt. Photo: Mikko Saari/Flickr

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Book: The Will of Many

April 19, 2012
| Democracy usually refers to a form of governance for a nation state. However many modern social movements have grown in explicit rejection of this kind of democracy.
Length: 13:25
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