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Spring political follies: Three Canadian leadership races

Photo of Martine Ouellet: Asclepias/Wikimedia Commons

On Sunday, when a respected Quebec politician declared for the leadership of the Bloc Québécois, it should have been welcome news for Quebec sovereignists. Instead it provoked controversy.

A one-time Hydro-Québec engineer, former Minister of Natural Resources in the government of Pauline Marois, and two-time candidate for the Parti Québécois leadership, Martine Ouellet is a PQ member of the Quebec National Assembly.

If elected Bloc leader, as appears likely, Ouellet will leave the PQ caucus, but continue to perform her duties as an independent MNA (Member of the National Assembly). She intends to stay in office until the 2108 Quebec election, and then contest the federal election expected in 2019.


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The time is right for the NDP to return to its socialist roots

Photo: United Steelworkers/flickr

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There's been a strange summer-long silence from the NDP. Last week, after the near terror event in Strathroy, they should have been vocal on Bill C-51, the terror bill. The Liberals looked paralyzed and the Tories had their hard line. The NDP should own this, it was their only winner last election. But they went quiet. Then there's the strange case of their leadership race. What leadership race?


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In a bold move, NDP delegates save their party

Photo: United Steelworkers/flickr

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The left has surged back elsewhere. Why not the NDP?

Photo: kimkim/flickr

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A certain lassitude seems to have gripped the NDP for this weekend's leadership review in Edmonton. Donald Trump might call them low energy, like Jeb! Hey, they could try changing their name to NDP!


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The crisis in the NDP

Photo: Devyn Caldwell/flickr

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As delegates prepare for its April 8-10 Edmonton convention, the federal NDP membership is in turmoil. As a group of Quebec members wrote, the party has lost its way.

The New Democratic Party needs to redefine itself in a new political environment.


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Leadership race leaves NDP stronger and wiser

Photo: John Maclennan/rabble.ca

Harper foes, take heart. The NDP rank-and-file made good on the party's Opposition promise at last weekend's leadership convention. Both the process and the outcome have left Canada's progressive majority stronger and wiser in many obvious and also subtle ways.

The voting results are a hope elixir. How fantastically different this convention was from the surreal electoral choices we keep seeing south of the border and, sadly, in our own city. Isn't it nice to know that real democracy, in the hands of the country's biggest concentration of social equality advocates, adds up to collective brilliance? That kind of faith renewed packs the energy that might just get new people interested in voting.


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The NDP leadership race by the numbers

Graph: Christopher Majka

As the dust settles on the NDP leadership race, this may be an instructive "teachable moment" to examine some dimensions of the campaign and what messages it sends to the NDP. In the months leading up to the 2012 leadership convention, a number of measures were proposed to track how the campaigns of the respective candidates were being received. With seven (initially nine) leadership candidates crisscrossing the country, a series of six national debates to expose Canadians to the ideas and policies of the candidates, and a preferential voting system that allowed members to rank the candidates, getting a read on their standing in the race was far from clear or easy.



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A non-party animal crashes the NDP bash

Photo: John Maclennan/rabble.ca

Politically, I'm postmodern. In our democracy, where the medium for electoral engagement is the party system, I'm decidedly non-partisan. Values, principles, people, and opportunities to make a progressive difference are more attractive for this activist. Flexibility and openness are key.

In my present incarnation, I'm Green MP Elizabeth May's press secretary. After returning to Canada from the U.K. and examining the contemporary political landscape, I felt it would be a privilege to support this brilliant, outspoken woman in her efforts to challenge Harper, the Northern Gateway pipeline, and more. Now, I'm on Parliament Hill confronting the daily insults the Conservatives inflict on our society.



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A Quebecer wins the NDP leadership

Photo: David P. Ball

Quebec. The NDP membership's primary concern is that the party hold its 58 Quebec seats in the next election: this determined the outcome of the leadership campaign that began officially September 15, 2011, and ended March 24. Party members sensed that Thomas Mulcair understands Quebec, could appeal to Quebecers, and believed he was the best choice to lead the party into the next election.


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Not Rex: NDP Leadership 2012

The new leader of the NDP is Thomas Mulcair. So where is he going to take the progressive party?


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