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Saudi arms deal sheds unsavoury light on Liberal foreign policy

Photo: Laurel L. Russwurm/flickr

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Our friends the Gulf sheikhs and the case of Salim Alaradi

Photo: GAC | AMC/flickr

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Obama questions the Washington playbook on U.S. foreign policy

Photo: Sgt. Uriah Walker/The U.S. Army/flickr

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"While most states have an army, the Prussian army has a state," said Voltaire.

Much the same could be said of the United States of America. On the world list of biggest military spenders, its total expenditure roughly equals those of the next nine countries combined.


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Report on Gaza: 2015 election guide

CJPME is pleased to publish the next of a 15 part election series analyzing the positions of Canada’s political parties. CJPME hopes that, by revealing what parties have said and done on key Middle East issues, Canadians will be better informed voters in the upcoming elections. Our next analysis studies each party’s position on the Israeli assault on Gaza in November 2012 and in the summer of 2014.

Find the full series here: http://cjpme.nationbuilder.com/an_2015_08_13_election_guide_assault_on_g...


Photo: dfait.maeci/Flickr
| April 8, 2013

Syrian civil war now a regional conflict

October 16, 2012
| The conflict in Syria has spread to Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq. Conn Hallinan of Foreign Policy in Focus looks at who’s fighting inside and outside the country.
Length: 16:18 minutes (14.94 MB)
| December 23, 2011
| December 5, 2011
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