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'Giving the people what they couldn't possibly want': Notes from Ontario's homecare system

Image: Will Fisher/flickr

When the two young women from the CCAC (Community Care Access Centre) appeared at my bedside the morning I was being discharged from the hospital I could tell they really wanted to help. The senior of the two was reading my chart as she introduced me to the woman she was training. They both smiled implausibly brightly.

"Sooo..." she said, as she squinted at the nursing notes. "You had an ileostomy before, so you're OK to manage that? But you need wound care?"


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Ringing the alarm on Nova Scotia's new hospital construction project

Photo: Stewart Rand/flickr

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Here's something to feed your nightmares. According to the last estimate, it would cost a cool $1 billion to replace the troubled Victoria General hospital in Halifax.

Obviously there's a need to swallow hard in a province that's already feeding a considerable herd of white elephants. If anything goes wrong this could be the alpha bull.


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John Bonnar Audio Blog

Volunteer-led Ontario Health Coalition referendum encourages Ontarians to support local public hospitals

April 5, 2014
| The Ontario Health Coalition has organized a volunteer-led referendum advocating for the public to have their say on the health care system.
Length: 14:29 minutes (13.27 MB)
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