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Image: friendsofhassandiab.blogspot.ca/
| October 13, 2016

After years of injustice, Canada should bring Hassan Diab home

Image: justiceforhassandiab.org

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This week, a French judge decided to order the release of Hassan Diab while an investigation into his case continues. It is both ironic and embarrassing to see a French judge decide to do what a Canadian judge should have done many years ago: order Hassan Diab a free man!


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Image: justiceforhassandiab.org
| November 10, 2015

Canadian woman faces 33 years in U.S. prison for protecting kids from abusive father

Source: Women Who Choose to Live

When Justice Minister Peter MacKay announced he was leaving politics to spend more time with his top priority -- a family he began with his spouse, Nazanin Afshin-Jam, who advocates for an end to violence against women and children -- he missed the opportunity to protect a Canadian family of four who are all survivors of brutal violence inflicted by a U.S.-based father and ex-husband.


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A Canadian in Paris: Hassan Diab's indefinite jail journey

Photo: www.justiceforhassandiab.org

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The Extradition Case of Dr. Hassan Diab

Image: Justice fo Hassan Diab

Hassan Diab is a mild-mannered Ottawa university professor with a passion for history and culinary skills that surely the French would appreciate. In fact, the French government has invested much energy to have Diab brought to Paris, but not for his vegetarian kebbah.

Rather, Dr. Diab is sought for questioning about his alleged role in a 1980 Paris bombing that claimed four lives. Unfortunately for Diab, the process behind the allegations could almost be a French farce -- worthy of Inspector Clouseau of Pink Panther fame.



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Smash the State Report: Mar. 8, 2013.

March 13, 2013
| Five Americans under Toronto G20 squeeze for alleged smashy-smashy! Then military + police tax resistance in Canada, animal rights action in Kitchener, men's supremacy in Toronto, and the TPP
Length: 51:51 minutes (47.49 MB)

Smash the State Report: Mar. 1, 2013.

March 5, 2013
| February in Review from mediacoop.ca + quebec student strike redux? Toronto G20 police repression goes international with 2 extradition arrests inthe US and more!!
Length: 1:00:40 minutes (55.55 MB)

Whistle-blowers, war criminals and the extradition of Julian Assange

Anonymous supporters of Bradley Manning. Photo: Bradley Manning Support Network/Flickr

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's protracted effort to fight extradition to Sweden suffered a body blow this week. Britain's Supreme Court upheld the arrest warrant, issued in December 2010. After the court announced its split 5-2 decision, the justices surprised many legal observers by granting Assange's lawyers an opportunity to challenge their decision -- the first such reconsideration since the high-profile British extradition case from more than a decade ago against former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. The decision came almost two years to the day after Pvt. Bradley Manning was arrested in Iraq for allegedly leaking hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. government documents to Wikileaks.


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Smash the State Report: Extradition news, G20 court theatrics, Quebec student strike

April 27, 2012
| The Smash the State Report features updates on Nyki Kish's struggle for justice, extradition news from No One is Illegal, G20 court theatrics, the Quebec student strike and the Trayvon Martin case.
Length: 32:35
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