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In times of despair, utopias are preferable to dystopias

Photo: Enokson/flickr

There's something touching in how sales of 1984 have risen since Trump. Amazon is out of stock. Other dystopian novels, like Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, are doing well. It's one way to deal with a shock to the system: buy a book; then, basically, let it sit since it probably won't have much to do with what's spooking you on CNN. It's about the illusion of control.


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Needs No Introduction

An evening with George Elliott Clarke

January 4, 2017
| Canada's seventh poet laureate talks about being Africanadian, and his most recent book "The Motorcyclist."
Length: 53:11 minutes (97.39 MB)
| October 14, 2016

Fort Mac invites a search for meaning but symbolism is harder than it looks

Photo: Premier of Alberta/flickr

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Someone I know out West says there's a strong sense of not being allowed to explicitly connect the Fort Mac wildfires with its oil drilling activity, you have to "tiptoe" around the "meaning" or coincidence.


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Which Witch?

October 26, 2015
| A lively exploration of changes in Western European ideas about witches, from Shakespeare's time to ours.
Length: 29:05 minutes (39.95 MB)
| March 20, 2015
Image: JonoWinnel
| March 13, 2015

Legendary writer, Maya Angelou has died. She was 86.

Photo: wikimedia commons
Legendary author Maya Angelou has died at the age of 86 in North Carolina. To read more, click on the link below.

Related story:

| January 17, 2014

An open letter and challenge to David Gilmour (from a woman writer)

Dear David Gilmour,

As a woman writer I'd like to say thank you.

No, honestly, thank you.

Thank you for being privileged enough, culturally tone-deaf enough, and even just plain stupid enough to say that you don't love women writers enough to teach their works in your class. Thank you for saying what so many other male professors think but are afraid to admit. Thank you for opening up this huge fucking can of worms that most people are happy enough to pretend doesn't even exist.



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