Melanie Redman

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Melanie Redman is a Social Mission Collaborator with more than 10 years of direct experience in strategic, leadership and advisory roles across the social mission sector in the U.S. and Canada. She calls many places home -- most recently Toronto, Buenos Aires and Seattle -- but was sprouted from the Ozark Mountains of Southern Missouri. Learn more about her work at

Water on the Table: A film about our most wasted resource

Water droplets on leaves.

Will the global community define water as a human right, available to all, or as a commodity to be bought, sold, traded, and ultimately out of reach from the poorest people on this earth? Liz Marshall's documentary, Water on the Table, explores this question through a portrait of Maude Barlow and her tireless efforts to define water as a human right.



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Jane Goodall celebrates 50 years of activism

jane goodall

Jane Goodall: 50 Years at Gombe

by Jane Goodall
(Stewart, Tabori & Chang,

In some ways it's hard to imagine that 50 years have passed since Dr. Jane Goodall, scientist, animal rights activist and conservationist, first visited Gombe and began studying chimpanzees in the wild. Yet, so many things have changed since her groundbreaking observation that chimpanzees make tools and hand down the knowledge of how to do this from generation to generation -- formerly thought to be a uniquely human attribute.

As this year is the 50th anniversary of Dr. Goodall's first visit to Gombe, the Jane Goodall Institute issued Jane Goodall: 50 Years at Gombe. The book not only celebrates the amazing achievements of Dr. Goodall's life, but also provides an update on innovations related to her work, and the work of others like her.



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| October 23, 2010
| October 11, 2010
| September 27, 2010
| August 30, 2010
| August 22, 2010
| August 14, 2010
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