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Image: Flickr/DonkeyHotey
| November 4, 2016

Not Rex: Orlando shootings product of homegrown hate and gun culture

Orlando is red with the blood from people who aren't even allowed to legally give blood.

We need to look at how the homegrown hate and out-of-control gun culture in America is fuelling these crimes and do something more than just declaring these attacks tragedies.


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New Senate committee report rehashes old myths about terrorism

Photo: flickr/ Tony Webster

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On July 8, the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence released its interim report on Countering the Terrorist Threat in Canada: the result of a nine-month-long investigation into the problem of radicalization and violent extremism in Canada.



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The false debate between freedom of expression and religious extremism

Image: ActuaLitté/flickr

Reading news coverage about the recent attacks on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo left me with many unanswered and uncomfortable questions. A very complex French, European and international event was summarized with simplistic headlines such us: "How remarkable that a humour magazine has led the fight against fanaticism" or "Paris attack illustrates the power of mockery."


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Africafiles: The Pulse

Building interfaith peace in Africa

August 14, 2014
| African religious scholars discuss the link between religion and conflict in Africa -- and propose a way forward.
Length: 31:52 minutes (29.18 MB)

Extremists target Pakistani journalists and demand 'balanced reporting'

Photo: flickr/Binuri Ranasinghe
When attacks from the Pakistani Taliban moved from 'possibility' to 'real life' journalists and editors scrambled to define what this mean for reporting on extremists and the safety of their writers.

Related rabble.ca story:

We work despite Taliban threats, say Pakistani journalists

Photo: flickr/Binuri Ranasinghe

"War. Unending internal war," said Dawn.com editor Jahanzaib Haque when I asked him where he saw Pakistani media heading in the foreseeable future. "No one likes to work in an environment where their colleagues are gunned down and there is a state of constant threat."

This unending war became uncomfortably real for Haque in January when, in the third of a series of attacks, three of his Express News colleagues (where Haque was then web editor) were killed in their office van.

Shortly after, the Pakistani Taliban, the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) called into an Express live show to claim responsibility.



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| October 1, 2011
| August 13, 2011

Financial dogma and faith without religion

For a few days this week, my son and I had some Muslim Arab kids from the Mideast, ages 8 and 12, up at the cottage. They've been in Canada for two years. Since it was Ramadan, we decided to fast with them. It's not mandatory for children but lots do it.


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