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Suspicious fire in Alberta burns down a motel and kills at least one person

The Tiwana family has been running a motel in Bashaw, Alberta for decades. On October 12, racial slurs were found on their hotel and the hotel was burned to the ground in a suspicious fire. One person is dead and three are injured. In a matter of minutes the Tiwana family lost everything -- their home, their business, their belongings and unconfirmed reports say that the person who died is the father of the Tiwana household.


Not Rex: Orlando shootings product of homegrown hate and gun culture

Orlando is red with the blood from people who aren't even allowed to legally give blood.

We need to look at how the homegrown hate and out-of-control gun culture in America is fuelling these crimes and do something more than just declaring these attacks tragedies.


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Attack on Canada's only surgery clinic for trans people elicits 'zero reaction'

Screenshot: Google maps

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On the evening of Monday May 2, Canada's only sex reassignment surgery clinic was subject to an arson attack. A man, armed with a machete, axe and gas can, set fire to the operating room.



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| November 17, 2015

The politics of gun control in the U.S.

"Non-Violence" (a.k.a. "The Knotted Gun"). Photo: Al_HikesAZ/Flickr

Another mass murder, another shooting spree, leaving bodies bullet-riddled by a legally obtained weapon. This time, it was Oak Creek, Wis., at a Sikh temple, as people gathered for their weekly worship. President Barack Obama said Monday, "I think all of us recognize that these kinds of terrible, tragic events are happening with too much regularity for us not to do some soul-searching." Amidst the carnage, platitudes. With an average of 32 people killed by guns in this country every day -- the equivalent of five Wisconsin massacres per day -- both major parties refuse to deal with gun control. It's the consensus, not the gridlock, that's the problem.


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| April 7, 2011
| February 17, 2011
| June 25, 2009

Assault in Toronto's gay village called a hate crime


Toronto Police are calling a recent late-night assault in the Gay Village a hate crime, stoking concerns the neighbourhood is no longer safe.


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Racism 101: join the conversation

This discussion is connected to the rabbleTV video Racism 101: a conversation about hate in Canada. What we want is your response: have you experienced incidents of hate crime in your community? How did you deal with them? What about about subtler forms of cultural and systemic discrimination? Share your ideas about getting beyond racism. Can it be done?


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