Naomi Klein

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Naomi Klein is the award-winning author of the international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. She writes a regular column for The Nation magazine and The Guardian newspaper that is syndicated internationally by The New York Times Syndicate. Her articles have appeared in Harper's Magazine, Rolling Stone, The Globe and Mail, and The New York Times. In 2004, her reporting from Iraq for Harper’s Magazine won the James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism. Also in 2004 she wrote and co-produced “The Take,” an award-winning feature documentary about Argentina’s occupied factory movement. She is a former Miliband Fellow at the London School of Economics and holds an honorary Doctor of Civil Laws from the University of King’s College, Nova Scotia.

Trump's dangerous climate policy puts our whole world in peril

Photo: jopolopy/flickr

At the precise moment that Donald Trump was giving his acceptance speech, I was in a room packed with a thousand people in Sydney, Australia, listening to Maria Tiimon Chi-Fang, a leading activist from the island state of Kiribati. All day I had been sending emails with the subject line "It's the end of the world." I suddenly felt embarrassed by the privilege of this hyperbole.

If Trump does what he says and rolls back the (insufficient) climate progress won under Obama, inspiring other nations to do the same, Chi-Fang's nation and culture will almost surely disappear beneath the waves. Literally, the end of their whole world.


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Unrestrained resource extraction isn't ancient history -- it's a crime still in progress

Tar Sands Healing Walk. Photo: taylorandayumi/flickr

It has been one year and one week since a coalition of dozens of organizations and artists launched The Leap Manifesto, a short vision statement about how to transition to a post-carbon economy while battling social and economic injustice.

A lot has changed: a new federal government, a new international reputation, a new tone around First Nations and the environment. But when it comes to concrete action on lowering emissions and respecting land rights, much remains the same.

Our new government has adopted the utterly inadequate targets of the last government. Alberta has a climate plan that would allow tar sands emissions to increase by 43 per cent, wholly incompatible with the goals of the Paris climate agreement.


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Why Hillary Clinton will never confront the fossil fuel industry

Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr

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The Leap: Time for a reality check

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Watch the launch of The Leap Manifesto

September 15, 2015, a group of prominent Canadians launched a manifesto outlining a bold climate and economic vision. We at are happy to have livestreamed the press conference to announce the Leap Manifesto: A Call for a Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another. It has been translated into eight languages, including Cree and Inuktitut. The aim is to gather tens of thousands of signatures and build pressure on the next federal government to transition Canada off fossil fuels while also making it a more livable, fair and just society.


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Now is the time for a climate leap

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What do Leonard Cohen and Black Lives Matter Toronto have in common? What do some of the country's most powerful labour leaders and most hard-core green groups agree on? How about Ellen Page and the head of English Canada's Jesuits?


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Follow the jobs justice climate march at

Photograph by Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images
This weekend, Canadians are rallying for jobs, justice and the climate. Time was, you'd have to wait to see the photos and read the news about the protest. Nowadays, you can follow the action here.

Related story:


'People and Planet First': Naomi Klein on climate justice and a new economy

Photograph by Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images.

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The Pope is on our side, and we must mobilize

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This is a strange time. A Papal Encyclical is generating almost as much excitement than a Beyoncé album — complete with pre-launch leaks and a global media frenzy.


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Jobs, justice, climate: A new climate movement is rising from below

Photo: Act On Climate March/flickr

This is an edited version of a speech that Naomi Klein gave on May 21 in downtown Toronto, at a press conference announcing the upcoming March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate on July 5.


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