Humberto DaSilva

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Humberto da Silva was born and lives in Toronto. An early desire to conquer the English language resulted in literary pretensions and numerous short story publications. The inclusion of "Compassion Fatigue" in the Oberon Press "Best Canadian Stories 92" anthology was a high point in his existence. He proudly labours at a day job as a Union representative. Currently he is a videographer, a citizen journalist, and a radical commentator for as "Not Rex" Murphy.

Not Rex: The coming dark age of Trump

Not Rex delivers an alternative poem in the epic style on the coming dark age of Trump.


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Not Rex: Hacking away at Hydro One

Russian hackers planted malware in Hydro One computers to use them in zombie attacks, but the best of Ontario's electricity systems had already been hacked away by a government a little closer to home.


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Not Rex: Farewell to Fidel Castro

History is not over, but a major player has passed on. Fidel Castro dedicated his life to fighting imperialism that reduced South American nations to banana republics run by U.S. corporations.

Farewell, Fidel.

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Not Rex: Peel Children's Aid Society workers fight for caseload cap

Peel Children's Aid Society workers have been forced to strike for more than two months. They're on the streets fighting for a cap on the number of cases individual workers have to take on. Workload caps are a standard provision in most children's aid society contracts, but the Peel Children's Aid Society is resisting such caps at all costs. Scabs are being paid $85/hour while Children's Aid Society workers strike for caseload caps virtually everyone else already has.

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Not Rex: Hail Wallonia!

The Canada-EU trade agreement has met its Waterloo in Wallonia. Turns out CETA -- the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement -- which the Harper regime said was a done deal, may indeed be done. Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland's dream of a done deal has been laid to ruins by Wallonians.

Thanks, Wallonia. Canada owes you one.

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Not Rex: Revolution on!

Never mind the U.S. election circus... the struggle is getting so real, it's a revolution! Not Rex takes stock of revolutionary actions breaking out in the U.S. and around the world -- even as mainstream media fixates on American election mayhem.

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Not Rex: Orlando shootings product of homegrown hate and gun culture

Orlando is red with the blood from people who aren't even allowed to legally give blood.

We need to look at how the homegrown hate and out-of-control gun culture in America is fuelling these crimes and do something more than just declaring these attacks tragedies.


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Not Rex: Elegy for Fort Mac (and humanity)

Fort Mac Town is burning down.

Did a hot spring and a dry winter create this? Or perhaps a spark of dry lightening? Or was it the winds of climate change? Or is it too soon to ask any of these questions.

Humberto "Not Rex" DaSilva decides it is time to ask the big questions.


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Not Rex: Panama Papers outrage can make fair taxes possible

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Inequality is so top-heavy it's teetering. Public debt levels are at the tipping point. And, the planet itself is unstable.

The world's richest continue to evade taxes by stashing millions in off-shore accounts. Will the revelations from the Panama Papers finally make the rich pay?

Let's hope it's the final pinch of outrage needed to flambé this upside-down cake.


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Not Rex: Trudeau needs to start moving on electoral reform promise

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During his election campaign and at his Throne Speech, Justin Trudeau promised to make every vote count. However, lately on the news of electoral reform it has been crickets.

So what did Trudeau mean when he said "make every vote count": proportional representation, mixed-member proportional representation or ranked ballots?

The Liberals seem to love the last option, which could be a recipe for disaster.


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